Summary – Cultural Politics and Indigenous Peoples

Summary Cultural Politics and Indigenous Peoples – An Introduction                              9 Manuela Carneiro da Cunha PART I – Culture, Patrimony, Knowledge and Shamanism Cultural Transformations in Alto Rio Negro 25           Geraldo Andrello e Tatiana Amaral S. Ferreira Agricultural Patrimony and Modernity in Rio Negro (Amazonas) 59           Laure Emperaire The Internationalization of Kampô (via Ayahuasca):…

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Consensus and conflict in contemporary democracy

Luis Felipe Miguel discusses consensus and conflict in a contemporary democracy Political scientist goes in the opposite direction from those who accept the rupture between realism and criticism in the current theory Almost 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the world seems to move away from the most optimistic prophecies – and…

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Brazil: Histories, Texts and Contexts

Emilia Viotti da Costa explores the past to imagine the future A collection of writings by one of the most important Brazilian historians of the twentieth century. They stimulate the reader to profoundly rethink Brazil’s past and reimagine its future Emilia Viotti da Costa, a finalist in the 1915 Jabuti prize in the Social Sciences…

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Summary – Brazil: Histories, Texts and Contexts

Summary 7 Presentation 9 Politics and Society in the Independence of Brasil 25 José Bonifácio: Man and Myth 81 The Legacy of the Empire: Oligarchic Government and Democratic Aspirations 89 The concept of Love and the Idealization of Woman during the Romanticism: Reflections on a Work of Michelet 115 Liberalism and Democracy 141 Da senzala…

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Alzheimer’s disease and its care

Geriatrician and journalist thrill us and tell stories about Alzheimer’s This humanistic and sensitive book combines the human face of the disease with scientific and technical information to help  understand and care for patients On the one side, a geriatrician and teacher dedicated to the disease of forgetfulness who saw hundreds of cases pass through…

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Summary – Alzheimer’s disease and its care

Summary Presentation 9 Aging and dementia 11 Chapter 1 | An increasingly common scenario 13 Has it expired? Sclerosed? 15 Compromised Execution 18 But is it “that disease”? 19 To count or not to count? 21 Chapter 2 | Immediate memory 23 Is it hereditary? 27 Chapter 3 | How is the treatment? 29 The…

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A Thousand and One Nights, a thousand and one delicacies

A journey through the flavors and aromas of the fantastic East Award-winning food and food history author, Rosa Belluzzo brings to light the magical world of the Thousand and One Nights stories and Nabobesque banquet recipes Odalisques, sultans, palaces, riches, battles and magical rugs seduce hearts and minds from immemorial times. This almost dreamlike imagery…

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Samba y la identidad nacional

El samba se conecta a los procesos de formación de la identidad nacional brasileña Obra examina los orígenes del ritmo musical, sus procesos y relaciones sociales en la composición identitaria de Brasil Contrariando los autores clásicos de la historia de la cultura brasileña, que definen el samba como música portuguesa con influencia africana, el autor…

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