Summary – Introduction to Logic

Summary 1 Introduction 13 1.1 What is logic? 13 1.2 Reasoning and Inference 14 1.3 Arguments 18 1.4 Sentences, Propositions, Statements 25 2 Logic and arguments 33 2.1 Validity and form 33 2.2 Validity and Correctness 38 2.3 Deduction and induction 42 2.4 Logic and the process of inference 46 2.5 A little history 47…

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International Models of Higher Education

Researchers compare the higher education systems in Germany, the United States and France In a didactic and descriptive way, the new title of the International Studies Collection brings the Brazilian reader a synthetic view of the higher education systems in those countries What particularities have brought the German, American and French higher education systems to…

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History of sport in Brazil

The history of Brazil and the construction of an identity influenced by sport The book covers all the historical contexts in which sport is inserted, from the nineteenth century to the present day Not only for sports lovers, but also for all those who are part of Brazilian history, this book of Mary Del Priore…

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Summary – History of sport in Brazil

Presentation 9 Chapter 1 “Gentlemen’s games”: physical activities before the arrival of the sport ……… 13 Mary Del Priore Chapter 2 From bullfights to horse races and regattas: first moments of the configuration of the sports field in Brazil 35 Victor Andrade de Melo Chapter 3 Bodies, bicycles and automobiles: other sports in the transition…

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History of crimes and violence in Brazil

Mary Del Priore and Angélica Müller examine the roots of crime and violence in Brazil Sociologists, jurists, anthropologists and psychologists discuss crimes and violence in Brazil over the centuries in a book organized by two historians “Does violence grow or does our sensitivity about it grow in our society?”, the historians Mary Del Priore and…

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Summary – History of crimes and violence in Brazil

Summary Preface – History of crimes and violence in Brazil. 7 Chapter 1. Today we are going to populate the sky: violence and martyrdom in the conversion of Portuguese America 11 Paulo de Asunción Chapter 2. Two Homophobic Crimes in the Colonial Northeast 37 Luiz Mott Chapter 3. “In compliance with the Law, we come…

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From “Senzala” to Colony

A historian unveils the constitutive Brazilian nationality characteristics  Starting from a thorough screening of primary sources, Emília Viotti da Costa analyzes the singularity of the Colonial Period In this essential book, the author demonstrates the abolition of slavery in Brazil was only a step into the liquidation of the colonial society, however, it greatly affected…

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Summary – From “Senzala” to Colony

Summary 13 Introduction to the first edition 25 Preface to the second edition Part I Economic aspects of the slave system disintegration 61 Chapter 1 Coffee expansion and slave labor First coffee plantations and replacement of cane fields by coffee plantations Predominance of slave labor Participation of free worker Vicissitudes of trafficking Difficulties in repressing…

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Cultural Politics and Indigenous Peoples

An Ethnographic Study of Cultural Policies from and for Brazilian Indians The book brings together nineteen essays that seek to identify and examine the cultural policies practiced upon Brazil’s Indians, and the cultural policies practiced by the Indiagenous people – and some others that indirectly impinge on them “There are cultural policies for the Indians,…

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