Summary – Portuguese grammar revealed in texts

Introduction 13 Presentation 17 PART I – BASIC CONCEPTS language and metalanguage 33 classes and units 53 functions and processes 81 use, standard(s) and linguistic variation 131 PART II – CLASSES AND FUNCTIONS verb / predicate 149 noun / noun phrase 21911 adjective / adjective phrase 277 adverbs / adverb phrase 343 definite article 403…

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Phiosophy in Brazil

A Philosopher Looks for a Way to Respond to a Deceptively Simple Question: Is There Such a Thing as “Brazilian Philosophy”? Guided by that question, Ivan Domingues produces an imposing metaphilosophical essay, which shed a great deal of light on the history of ideas in Brazil and on the nation cultural formation “Is there a…

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Summary – Phiosophy in Brazil

Summary PREFACE 1 FIRST STEP – THE METAPHILOSOPHICAL ARGUMENT FOR A NATIONAL PHILOSOPHY: FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM AND INTRODUCTION OF THE TIME FRAME CONCEPT 17 1. Introduction / 2. The argument for national philosophies / 3. Different experiences of doing philosophy and the question of the originality of a national philosophy / 4. Five models…

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Mineiras housewives of the Colonial Period

Historian recollects lives of elite family housewifes during the Brazilian Colonial period in the state of Minas Gerais Author researches activities, family relationships and illnesses among other aspects of their lives Being a woman in Brazil was never easy, especially in the Colonial period. Looking backwards, it could be inferred that being part of an…

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Melancholy: Literature

Luiz Costa Lima recovers the historical and philosophical meanings of melancholy and their links with literature Literary critic undertakes a journey through authors from Hippocrates to show how the concept affected different expressions of thought and arts Melancholy emerges as a Western restlessness for the first time with the Greek physiologist Hippocrates (460 BC -370…

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Summary – Melancholy: Literature

Summary Preface 9 Section I 1 Melancholy, a Western constant? 15 Part One – Outline of a Multi-Secular Story 15 Part Two – An Attempt to Theorization 59 Section II 2 The attic tenant: the animal reports in Franz Kafka 127 3 The waiting: a prelude to Samuel Beckett 229 References 349 Index 359

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Literature: yesterday, today, tomorrow

Introductory literature work by Marisa Lajolo is 30 years old and is reinvigorated This text, for its tasteful literary tone, is by itself among the territories explored throughout the pages This book is addressed to all who are interested in literature and have always wondered what it is and how many senses and worlds can…

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Summary – Literature: yesterday, today, tomorrow

Summary 11. Chapter 1. In which some cards are placed on the table, others are hidden in the sleeve and i the Anonymous Readers Club is founded, to whose members a question is addressed: what is literature? 17. Chapter 2. In which we contemplate, with malice and irreverence, some surfaces faces of what is called…

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Introduction to Logic

 A revised and expanded edition of the acclaimed text on introduction to Logic  Recommended for the studies of Logic in the philosophical and mathematical fields, with new topics added by the author, Cesar A. Mortari “Logic is the science that studies principles and methods of inference, whose main goal is to determine under which conditions…

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