7 Presentation
9 Politics and Society in the Independence of Brasil
25 José Bonifácio: Man and Myth
81 The Legacy of the Empire: Oligarchic Government and Democratic Aspirations
89 The concept of Love and the Idealization of Woman during the Romanticism:
Reflections on a Work of Michelet
115 Liberalism and Democracy
141 Da senzala à colônia: Forty Years Later
155 The Republican Movement in Itu: The Plantation Owners of Western São Paulo and the Prelude to Republicanism (preliminary notes)
187 1932: Contradictory Images
193 Blacks and Whites in São Paulo
203 Sérgio Buarque de Holanda and The Roots of Brasil
223 Globalization and the Reform of the University: the Persistence of MEC-Usaid.
239 Successes and Failures of the Common Market in Central America: Dilemmas of Neo-Lliberalism
261 Reflections on the Global Crisis
269 Conversations with the Author
309 Interview
321 A Speech Given Upon Receiving the Title of Professor Emeritus
333 Bibliographical References