Twentieth-Century Revolutions: A Collection [Coleção Revoluções do Século 20]
This series, organized and overseen by Emília Viotti da Costa, one of the most eminent Brazilian historians, displays an ample global panorama of the revolutions of the twentieth century. Written by authors of varied nationalities and diverse political positions, the books are intended to promote awareness among the general public of the revolutionary movements that surged all over the world and changed the political face of our times.
The African Revolutions
Angola, Mozambique and Ethiopia
Paulo Fagundes Visentini
192 pages
10 x 19 cm
ISBN: 9788539302253
This volume shows the scenario that led to social or socialist revolutions in Africa in the 1970s. For the author, such movements have the same political features and share the same conjuncture that stimulated revolutions in Third World countries at that time. There is one more important ingredient: the late liberation movements of the Portuguese colonies.
The Algerian Revolution
Mustafa Yasbek
102 pages
11 x 20 cm
ISBN: 9788539300525
Rights: worldwide free
An icon of contemporary wars of independence, the Algerian struggle against French power was one of the bloodiest of the century, reaching the staggering figure of hundreds of thousands of dead. The challenges presented to the socialist model of the FLN, however, are not exhausted by the defeat of colonial power. The complexities of this nation, which harshly maintained a non-alignment status during the Cold War, achieved unparalleled political pluralism in the region and faced the instabilities of an oil-based economy and the growing and aggressive presence of Islamic fundamentalism. All these factors impose dramatic crossroads for an Algeria that is still under construction.
The Bolivian Revolution
Everaldo de Oliveira Andrade
184 pages
11 x 20 cm
ISBN: 9788571397637
Rights: worldwide free
The striking peculiarities of the Bolivian Revolution reflect the specific ethnic, economic and political characteristics that have distinguished the dynamics of the country since the times of Spanish colonization. It would therefore be simplistic to place it carelessly in the same class of conflicts and social movements that shook neighboring nations during the same period. Understanding the particularities of the mass insurrection of 1952 in Bolivia not only allows justice to be done to important facets of history of the American subcontinent, but also provides crucial elements to explain the endemic tension that continues up to present days.
The Chilean Revolution
Peter Winn
209 pages
11 x 20 cm
ISBN: 9788571399952
Rights: worldwide free
The book recounts how Salvador Allende gained power by a democratic election and set in motion his socialistic revolutionary process, together with freedom of expression and multi-party elections. The revolution became known as the “Chilean road to socialism.” The book also describes the violent counter-revolutionary reaction, led by military forces commanded by Augusto Pinochet.
The Chinese Revolution
Wladimir Pomar
179 pages
10 x 19 cm
ISBN: 8571394814
Rights: worldwide free
TThe Chinese Revolution, in 1949, enlarged the socialist bloc and provided new models for revolutionaries in various parts of the world. By being part of institutions controlled by capitalist countries until recently, it may be possible for China to begin a more serene re-evaluation of events. This Revolution that intrigues the West and the reforms promoted by the regime from the end of the twentieth century impose the ever renewed task of clarifying the profile and direction of an epic journey that has not yet been completed.
The Cuban Revolution
Luis Fernando Ayerbe
133 pages
12 x 19 cm
ISBN 8571395497
Rights: worldwide free
For over fifty years, the trajectory of the revolutionary experience in Cuba has housed notable personalities, such as Che Guevara, and also dramatic events ,such as the Missile Crisis. All these historic icons of the twentieth century are interwoven with the profound internal restructuring of the Cuban economy and society and the associated challenge to the previously uncontested hegemony of the United States over Latin America. The complexity of these elements should not be overlooked, and it is an explanation for the passions and interpretative battle still evoked by this Caribbean revolution.
The German Revolution – 2nd edition
(1918 – 1923)
Isabel Maria Loureiro
184 pages
11 x 19 cm
ISBN: 9788539308262
Rights: worldwide free
Isabel Maria Loureiro presents a historical view of the German Revolution from 1918 to 1923, the first in a developed industrial society. After the Russian Revolution in 1917, the victory of socialism in the West seemed possible,but the German Revolution failed and conservative forces prepared the way for the fall of the Republic and the rise of Nazism.
The Iranian Revolution
Osvaldo Coggiola
152 pages
11 x 19 cm
ISBN: 9788571398269
Rights: worldwide free
In a troubled region since immemorial times, Iran from the second half of the twentieth century honors tradition and faces an explosive situation: a monarchy, self-considered as the heir of the ancient Persian emperors, is squeezed between autocracy, corruption and modernizing desires. Rounding out the dramatic picture, the growing presence of Islamic fundamentalism and the strong intervention of Western powers – ever obsessed by the country’s huge oil reserves – carry the prevailing geopolitical tension of typical contemporary scenarios.
The Korean Revolution
The Unknown Zuche Socialism
Paulo Fagundes Visentini, Analúcia Danilevicz Pereira, Helena Hoppen Melchionna
200 pages
10,5 x 19 cm
ISBN 9788539305858
Rights: worldwide free
North Korea is commonly portrayed in the West as a caricature. The image is one of a closed regime on the verge of collapse, irrational, oppressing hungry people while investing fortunes in a megalomaniac nuclear project. With these caricatures, constructed by several political objectives, there is small contact with the real configuration of the North Korean regime, with impressive socioeconomic achievements and wide complexities that characterize the whole revolutionary process and continue to stress South East Asia.
The Mexican Revolution
Carlos Alberto Sampaio Barbosa
133 pages
11 x 20 cm
ISBN: 9788539300426
Rights: worldwide free
The Revolution in Mexico and its exponential figures, like Emiliano Zapata, stand out in the popular imagination. The longevity and popularity of ideals expose distinctive historical circumstances that define the trajectory of the country since the late nineteenth century. But the strength of the egalitarian ideals connected with these movements transcends boundaries and still inspires the world today. As alive as the Mexican revolutionary memory is the recognition of its relevance and complexity and the intense interpretative dispute that it provokes.
The Nicaraguan Revolution
Matilde Zimmermann
160 pages
11 x 19 cm
ISBN: 8571396531
Rights: worldwide free
The book addresses the rise and fall of the Nicaraguan Revolution that defeated, in July of 1979, the dictatorship of Somoza, the longest in Latin America. The movement was led by Carlos Fonseca, commander of the Sandinista National Liberation Front, who soon faced the counter-offensive of the National Guard and sectors of the bourgeoisie allied to the United States.
The Peruvian Revolution
José Luis Rénique
170 pages
11 x 20 cm
ISBN: 9788571399518
Rights: worldwide free
The ideal of a republic, “the true Peru”, faithful to egalitarian values that had been disrespected since the emancipation before the Spanish Crown, was systematically embraced by Peruvian libertarian tendencies of Mariátegui and González Prada to the performance of the ‘Sendero Lumonoso’. Peru is a country that recognized not only the impressive historical and cultural heritage of the Incas, but which emancipated itself from the Criollo elitism, responsible for the marginalization of the overwhelming majority of the population, particularly the rural and indigenous segments. With almost no hiatus, the struggle to fulfill this dream crosses Peruvian history, from independence in 1821 to the present day.
The Portuguese Revolution
Claudio de Farias Augusto
184 pages
10 x 19 cm
ISBN: 9788539301850
Rights: worldwide free
The military movement that begun on April 25, 1974 on Portuguese lands marked the end of the period when Portugal experienced the Salazar regime, one of the most enduring dictatorships in the Western world. In addition to reinserting the country on the world geopolitical map, the movement, which became known as ‘Carnation Revolution’, established an effective democratic environment and outlined a new future for the Portuguese people.
The Russian Revolutions and the Soviet Socialism
Daniel Aarão Reis Filho
179 pages
10 x 19 cm
ISBN: 8571394822
Rights: worldwide free
A movement for radical change gained more and more participants in various parts of the world, culminating in the Russian Revolution of 1917, which started up a new era. The revolutionary process in the early twentieth century, inspired by socialists and communists, transcended the borders of Europe and America. The path followed by the Soviet Union alarmed some and inspired others, provoking internal and external debates and confrontations that marked the history of the twentieth century. With the end of the Cold War and the Soviet Union, it is possible to rethink these events.
The South African Revolution
Class or race, social revolution or national liberation?
Analúcia Danilevicz Pereira
128 pages
11 x 19 cm
ISBN: 9788539302642
Rights: worldwide free
The basis of South Africa white minority political power was the exclusive control over the wealth and the apartheid regime. These factors characterize the long history of inequality in that country. The South African revolution was a response to a minority government which, based on a unique and brutal system of discrimination, founded a socioeconomic structure based on racial discrimination. This book aims to contribute to the debate about this liberation movement that has its roots in peculiar historical conditions that characterized the contradiction between class and race.
The Venezuelan Revolution
Gilberto Maringoni
198 pages
11 x 19 cm
ISBN: 9788571399044
Rights: worldwide free
Was there a revolution in Venezuela at the end of the 20th century or is the process happening now? This is what the author proposes to answer in this book by revising the facts of the Venezuelan scenario and its consequences in the world and in Latin America. The author clarifies the events he addresses are integral parts of an ongoing political process and the conclusions still wander in the immediate moment.
The Vietnamese Revolution
From National Liberation to Socialism
Paulo Fagundes Visentini
128 pages
11 x 19 cm
ISBN: 9788571398092
Rights: worldwide free
The author presents a historical overview of the Vietnamese war and revolution with broad factual basis, one of the most significant contemporary historical events. The conflict eroded the image of the American empire and projected this small country, which became the pivot of world politics and survived under the socialist regime even after the Soviet Union collapsed.