The history of Brazil and the construction of an identity influenced by sport
The book covers all the historical contexts in which sport is inserted, from the nineteenth century to the present day
Not only for sports lovers, but also for all those who are part of Brazilian history, this book of Mary Del Priore and Victor Andrade de Melo is an interesting research that offers a special look at sport and its institutionalized body practices, inserted in different societies and cultures, but everything is responsible for the formation of a single identity, the Brazilian one.
The book History of sport in Brazil: from the Empire to the present day [História do esporte no Brasil: do império aos dias atuais] goes through all the historical contexts in which sport is inserted, from the nineteenth century to the present day, showing how much this subject is gaining space in the media and important publications. The main goal is to understand how sport, being one of the main cultural manifestations of the 20th century, can help us better understand the History of Brazil.
The organizers present the Brazilian modernity, with several meanings, articulating the sport practice with the social, cultural, economic and political dimensions of the country. This helps us have a vision, at once comprehensive and peculiar, of all sporting history through the ages and the way it has collaborated with the construction of the Brazilian identity.
This publication by Editora Unesp shows the encounter of different types of class, gender and ethnicity on a single nation idea in a country that is recognized because of the soccer tradition, but is prominent and successful in different sport modalities. The country is anxious for victory and has so many important names in several sports that deserves a study about all the growth influenced by sports practices and special attention to this relevant subject.
About the organizers
Mary del Priore holds a PhD in History from the University of São Paulo and a post-doctoral degree from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (1996). She is currently a professor of the Master’s Program in History at the Salgado de Oliveira University (Universo / Niterói) and develops a research entitled “Culture, mentality and social life in Rio de Janeiro in the 19th century”. She studies colonial history, history of culture and history of gender. She has published more than 25 History books. She has several literary prizes, among them: Jabuti, Casa Grande & Senzala, APCA, and Ars Latina.
Victor Andrade de Melo is a professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), where he is the coordinator of the Sport Laboratory (PPGHC / IFCS / UFRJ). He has published Cidade Sportiva, Cinema and Sport: dialogues, Dictionary of Brazilian sport history and Sport, leisure and visual arts: dialogues, among others, and is the editor-coordinator of Recorde: Sport History Magazine.
Title: History of sport in Brazil: from the Empire to the present day [História do esporte no Brasil: do império aos dias atuais]
Organizers: Mary Del Priore and Victor Andrade de Melo
Number of pages: 566
Format: 16 x 23 cm
ISBN: 978-85-7139-989-1
Rights: worldwide free